myofascial release vs stretching

Myofascial Release vs. Stretching: Which One ACTUALLY Works?

Muscle pain won't go away? Are you stretching and it's not working?

In today's video, I discuss why sometimes your injury needs myofascial release therapy instead of stretching. In fact, sometimes stretching will aggravate your injury! When it comes to stretching, you can only stretch something that is stretchy. What do I mean?

An elastic band is stretchy so you can stretch it. A leather belt is not stretchy. You can pull on a leather belt all day and it's not going to stretch. The same is true of a muscle with scar tissue (AKA fascial adhesions).

When you try to stretch a muscle surrounded by scar tissue, it's not going to stretch well. In fact, it will often cause irritation to the tendon attachments of that muscle resulting in increased pain and inflammation.


Perform myofascial release techniques to the muscle.

In today's video, I demonstrate 2 of my favorite myofascial release techniques using a spikey massage ball: Cross Friction Massage and Pin and Stretch Technique.

I demonstrate these 2 techniques to the brachioradialis muscle of the forearm and the upper trapezius muscle of the upper back.

Next time you are having muscle pain that is not improving with stretching, give these 2 myofascial release techniques a try! After you do, leave me a comment in the comment section down below. I'd love to hear from you!

Remember, stay young and train hard! 

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0:00 Stretching vs Myofascial Release

2:40 Cross Friction Massage and Pin/Stretch Technique

5:29 Myofascial release of Brachioradialis

10:12 Myofascial release of Upper Trapezius

Images courtesy of Muscle and Motion Strength Training app (@muscleandmotion)

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