Have you been injured because your did not warm up properly? Maybe you were in a hurry and skipped your warm up. Went right to bench pressing and injured your shoulder? Or went right out the door for a run and inflamed your achilles tendon?
This video is how you can avoid those types of injuries!
Target the muscles you are working for the day with some self massage.
The best thing you can do for yourself is get some blood flowing into the muscles that you are about to train. This will greatly reduce your risk of injury. These self massage techniques a very easy to perform and extremely effective!
In today's video I share with you my self massage techniques that I do prior to a run or trail walk. I target my calf muscles and my achilles using a hand held roller (use your thumb or knuckles if you don't have one).
I also share my self massage techniques that perform on my chest and shoulders prior to a chest/shoulder workout.
Give these self massage techniques with the hand held roller a try next time you are about to workout. After you do, leave me a comment in the comment section down below. I'd love to hear your thoughts!
Remember, stay young and train hard!
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0:00 Intro and Importance of Self Massage
1:29 Self Massage of the Calf and Achilles
4:50 Self Massage of the Chest and Shoulders