Trigger point therapy tool

Trigger Point Therapy: Destroy Deep Muscle Knots Instantly

Suffering from tight and tender "knots" in your muscles that just won't go away?

Try this effective soft tissue therapy technique known as trigger point therapy!

Trigger point therapy involves applying firm pressure on a muscular trigger point (AKA muscle knot) for 30-90 seconds. This technique increases blood flow to the area, helping to release the tightness and tenderness in the muscle.

While you can apply pressure manually with your thumb, using a trigger point massage tool is far more effective and prevents thumb pain. In today’s video, I demonstrate how to use the OcraMed Health Trigger Point Therapy Tool to target knots in the upper trapezius muscle and calf muscles.

Our trigger point massagers make it easy to perform this powerful technique, providing significant relief from tight and tender muscles that may have caused pain for months or even years.

What is the fastest way to release trigger points? It’s with the right tool and technique, and this video shows you how to achieve relief quickly and effectively using a pressure point massage tool.

Give trigger point therapy a try the next time you experience a stubborn muscle knot. Afterward, leave a comment below—I’d love to hear your feedback!

Remember, stay young and train hard!

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Featured Fitness & Wellness Tool

Trigger Point Massage Tool


0:00 Trigger Point Therapy Info

1:11 Trigger Point Therapy Tool

2:56 Trigger Point Therapy for Upper Trapezius

7:15 Trigger Point Therapy for Calf Muscles

Images courtesy of Muscle and Motion Strength Training app (@muscleandmotion)

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