tight lats release

Tight Lats Killing Your Lifts? Fix Your Mobility NOW!

Struggling with back or side pain but can’t figure out why? Tight lats could be the hidden cause, limiting your shoulder mobility and hurting your lifts. If you love doing rows and pull-ups, you might be at risk for tight lats lower back pain, making movements like the overhead press, snatch, and front rack even harder.

Dr. Joe DeMarco, chiropractor and owner of OcraMed Health, explains how tight lats can lead to poor shoulder mobility and even increase your risk of injury. Many lifters don’t realize that this muscle pulls the body forward, creating tension that affects performance and comfort.

In this video, Dr. Joe demonstrates tight lats release techniques to break up adhesions and restore proper movement. These methods help reduce pain and improve flexibility so you can lift stronger and safer.

For best results, perform these exercises to stretch tight lats every other day. Watch now and take control of your mobility!

Remember, Stay Young And Train Hard!

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0:00 What Muscles Are Your Lats?

0:55 What Are The 3 Main Functions Of The Latissimus Dorsi?

1:20 Can You Feel Tight Lats?

2:09 How Do You Know If Your Lats Are Tight?

3:16 Tight Lat Release

8:43 Tight Lat Release Tips

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