On today's FREE injury rehabilitation video I discuss the causes, symptoms, and then demonstrate how to fix proximal hamstring tendinopathy.
Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy is a common injury among a variety of athletes ranging from runners to weightlifters.. The athlete experiences a dull, deep pain or aching localized in the upper hamstring tendon.
Will hamstring tendinopathy ever go away? Well, often times this injury can linger for months.
Most people experiencing this pattern of pain attempt to rehab the injury by stretching. This often aggravates the problem.
There are 3 symptoms of hamstring tendinopathy to address.
First, fascial release work must be performed on the hamstring muscles.
Second, you need to know how to strengthen the hamstring muscles.
Third, Dr. Joe demonstrates how to stretch out the tight hip flexor muscles which are often a symptom of a high hamstring injury.
Leave a comment if you have any questions and let me know how your treatment is progressing.
Remember Stay Young And Train Hard!